Serving as the voice of forestry in Tennessee for more than 50 years.

Fostering an understanding and appreciation for forests and forest-based industries in Tennessee.

Special Interest Programs

Tennessee Master Logger

Voluntary program for logging contractors, preparing loggers to correctly apply best management practices.

TFA endorses Forestry Mutual Insurance Company for Workers Compensation.

Forestry Mutual Company underwriters have a combined 70 years of experience in the wood products and forestry industries. Their policy services department strives to offer excellent customer service and prides itself on personal and direct communication with its policyholders.

For more information, please call 800-849-7788. Be sure to tell them you’re a Tennessee Forestry Association member.


Loggers Compensation Insurance

In 1971, the North Carolina Forestry Association’s Self Insurer’s Fund was started, with plans to be a major force in the worker’s compensation insurance market, specializing in the wood products industry. It pioneered stable, competitive rates and introduced safety programs designed to keep our insureds safe in dangerous working environments. In 1999, the North Carolina Forestry Association’s Self-Insurer Fund became the North Carolina Forestry Association’s Mutual Insurance Company.

TFA works in many different ways to promote a public climate conducive to the development and wise use of Tennessee's forest resources for the maximum benefit to the people of Tennessee.